Thank you for taking the Virtual Assistant Quiz to start learning more about your personal opportunity to build a Virtual Assistant Business.
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10 Services that are in Demand to Launch Your Virtual Assistant Business
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Transcript of the Video Thank You for Taking the Quiz
(00:03): Thank You for Taking the Quiz
Hey there I'm Kim Shivler and I am so happy you chose to take the quiz to learn a little bit more about your personal opportunity for becoming a virtual assistant for building your own business as a VA. I hope as you took the quiz and got some answers, you're starting to see some ideas, some possibilities about how you can take this and build a legitimate business around it.
(00:36): Welcome to My Email List- Let's Use it to Get You Started Providing Services
Welcome to the team you are on my mail list now. So you'll start getting information about new opportunities, new programs, and new ideas for adding services. Of course you can unsubscribe at any time. If you decide this isn't for you, but I really hope you will join me in this and decided it's something you want to do, because quite frankly, this is one of the fastest ways to get your own personal business up and running and making money it's by providing virtual services, which are at an all time high for demand.
(01:23): Today is some Quick Information for a New Presentation and a Course to Launch Your Business in 10 Days
So today you're gonna get some information about another offering I have, which is an ebook of 10 top services for virtual assistants. And of course, I always give a little bonus. So I think there might actually be 13 <laugh>, but grab that. And then I've also, you're going to see, come into your inbox, an invite to take a free class, to dig into the opportunity, more, to look into it a little more about not just what it means, but how much money is here to be made. How real is this? Nothing I do is get rich quick. You have to work for it. This is not do one thing and just make a million dollars. I wish you was that simple, but in my experience, as a business owner over the last many, many, many years, that hasn't been the case. So I'm here to provide you real solid information to help you with your business. So thanks for joining me. If you have any questions, click below on the, ask me anything link and enter a question on, ask me anything. I do go online and answer those again. Thanks for joining me. I look forward to connecting with you again in the near future. Bye.