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10 Services that are In demand to Launch your Virtual Assistant Business

3 Popular Virtual Assistant Services

Proof Read Transcripts

You don't have to be an English major to help proof read transcripts. People creating video and audio content need  transcripts and these need to be read and edited. With a little practice and a grammar tool, you're good to go. Sometimes it's a simple as checking the name spelling.

Create Thumbnails

The thumbnail is the still image shown in your video feed. If you allow YouTube to select the thumbnail, you don't know what you are going to get. Virtual Assistants create brand consistent thumbnails.

Internet Research

From finding new blog post topics to checking out the competition, customers need reliable internet research. Skills include knowing how to use search engines and how to organize information effectively.

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10 Services that are In demand to Launch your Virtual Assistant Business

Picture of a woman with her hands up shrugging

Asking Yourself - What does a Virtual Assistant do?

This is one of the most Frequently Asked Questions I find when teaching people about the opportunity to build a business as a virtual assistant.

If it's a service that can be done virtually, there is probably a Virtual Assistant providing that service.

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10 Services that are In demand to Launch your Virtual Assistant Business

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